What it Means to be an All American: Well as far as society today it generally means to have all the typical qualities that are valued by ordinary Americans, such as good looks & love of their country or having qualities that are thought to be typical of people in the U.S. Another is to be selected as one of the best in the U.S. in a particular sport.
Now don't get us wrong those things can definitely get you in the running, but for us it does not lock down an actual All American Title!!
Loyalty to Country, Home, Family, Self & Others, Respect for All, Dedication to your Craft & Selflessness at an unfathomable level are just a few things (in our opinion) needed to secure an All American Title & Austin Culbertson has it in droves!!!
Being mid-west born & raised, Austin has kept tight to his roots throughout his already lengthy and prosperous fishing career. With his home town being Columbia, MO, his attending the University of Missouri as part of the Mizzou Bass Fishing Team & now fishing the MLF BFL: Ozark Division & MLF Toyota Series: Plains Division! Austin also has a fairly decent resume in the fishing world already with a...
But Austin isn't just a veteran on the water, he is also a Veteran off the water!
-Tried & True Marine-

2020 Phoenix Wild Card Win
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